SOMERVILLE, Tenn. – On Jan. 11, 2023, the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office responded to an animal cruelty case at a home on Hall Drive in Somerville.
When the deputies arrived, they smelled a strong smell of decomposition, to later find dozens of animal remains behind the residence, and approximately 6 live dogs.
Examiners said the decomposition of the animal remains ranged from bleached bones all the way to recently dead, and it was estimated a death occurred near the end of Dec. 2022, which caused the strong smell, deputies said.
After testing, the results came back showing severe malnutrition and starvation.
Chad Smith was in direct care of the animals, and deprived them of food and water, records showed.
Smith was charged 10 counts of animal cruelty.
Smith worked with Fayette County Animal Control from Feb. 2020 to May 2021 before he resigned.
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